Today no creations, today I want to share with you a piece of me.
Ad inizio anno, come credo molte di voi, avevo fatto una bella lista di buoni propositi per questo 2014. Ma in questi giorni mi sono accorta di averne dimenticato uno fondamentale:
At the beginning of this year, as probably most of you, I made some resolutions for the 2014. But in the last days I noticed I forgot a fundamental one:
I'm really good at finding excuses to self-justify myself when I don't do something I always say I want to do. In the last months obviously the most used excuse has been "I'm a commuter, I face 4 hours of travel each day, I don't have time and/or I'm too tired". Ok, actually it can be a valid excuse in some situation but I know that, were I not a commuter, I would have found a different excuse. I always did. If I may say so myself, I'm a genius at finding self-excuses!!!
Ma da quest'anno basta! Non voglio ritrovarmi all'età della pensione a dire "Eh, da giovane mi sarebbe piaciuto fare questo e quest'altro, ma non ho potuto perchè... scuse, scuse, scuse... ".
But from this year stop! I don't want to find myself at retirement age saying "Ah, when I was young I would have done this and this, but I couldn't because... excuses, excuses, excuses..."
Ci sono alcune cose che rimando da troppo tempo, è ora di darmi da fare. Senza più scuse!
There are some things I'm postponing from too much time, now it's time to get down to them. Without excuses!
E i vostri propositi per l'anno nuovo, come stanno andando? Siete sulla buona strada?
And what about your resolutions for the new year? Are you on the right path?